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Full Resource Name:
2-1-1 Big Bend, Help Me Grow
PO Box 10950
Tallahassee, FL 32302-2950
*Assists parents and caregivers with identifying children at-risk for developmental or behavioral disabilities, and connects them with community-based programs for health and developmental services
*For more information or access to services, call 2-1-1 or (850) 617-6333, to chat or text your zip code to 898211
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Date of Official Change:
December 9, 2024
Address Listings
PO Box 10950
Tallahassee, FL 32302-2950
Physical (Primary)
PO Box 10950
Tallahassee, FL 32302-2950
Phone Numbers
1. Main Number
2. Other Number
(850) 617-6333
3. Administrative
(850) 617-6348
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*Assists parents and caregivers with identifying children at-risk for developmental or behavioral disabilities, and connects them with community-based programs for health and developmental services
8am-9pm, M-F
Required Documents
None for initial screening. Child's health history may be helpful.
All families, caregivers, and agencies who are calling for a child prenatal to 8 years old.
None for initial screening. Referred agencies may charge on a sliding fee scale.
Intake Procedure
Call to complete initial intake form
English, Spanish, Interpreters may be arranged for other languages
Service Area
Franklin County, Gadsden County, Jefferson County, Leon County, Liberty County, Madison County, Taylor County, Wakulla County
Geography Served
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
*Assists parents and caregivers with identifying children at-risk for developmental or behavioral disabilities, and connects them with community-based programs for health and developmental services
8am-9pm, M-F
Required Documents
None for initial screening. Child's health history may be helpful.
All families, caregivers, and agencies who are calling for a child prenatal to 8 years old.
None for initial screening. Referred agencies may charge on a sliding fee scale.
Intake Procedure
Call to complete initial intake form
English, Spanish, Interpreters may be arranged for other languages
Service Area
Franklin County, Gadsden County, Jefferson County, Leon County, Liberty County, Madison County, Taylor County, Wakulla County
Geography Served
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.